January 10, 2010

I need a good first person shooter...

...I used to be into the Bond Shooter games. I was really good...at least as "really good" as I could be for playing them once a month. And I've tried Halo...or was it Counter Strike...No. I think it was Counter Strike...and Splinter Cell. I liked that game. I didn't like the Medal of Honor's that I tried...too much movement. This way that way 15 degrees the other way. Too much movement.

Just give me a gun, and I'll shoot. None of this moving business.

Well I haven't played any of these games in a long time. And I want to play them again. I want XBOX...with XBOX Live...or is it the other system...idk. Whichever has the good controller. Not the retarded one.

I was thinking earlier, some people are trekkies, some are...star wars geeks, me? I'm a stargate-r. Dude...I know everything about this Universe stuff AND of course the One and Atl. I'm like all geeky when it comes to this stuff. I am. I'm geeky.......don't tell people...

So I think this year, for my birthday, I want to buy a MacBookPro...possibly. Or maybe one of those things...with the thing that you plug into that other thing and it goes BA-BOOM BA-BOOM BA-BOOM, but in the good way. But whatevers cool

(i'm sleepy...but watching tv...so i don't want to go to sleep yet. damnitall.)

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